What you should and diet products contain large amounts of carbohydrates and fats almost completely, namely: grain, potatoes, pasta, butter, flour, sweet. You do not have to go to work, use low-fat milk and milk products, eggs, fish, lean meat.
In principle, such a protein if you sit on a diet after two weeks lose up to eight pounds in their weight the key. Attractive?
Protein diet slimming secret?

Remember, carbohydrates are the primary fuel source for our body. If you pull them out if opportunities, then our body will start its own fat to get the glucose frugal old depot. Using this method you greatly reduce the amount of fat and your own weight. Another major plus with a sense of harmony in no way protein diet weight loss hunger. Then, no longer stick to a diet (if, Of course, you of passion, not a claw into the flour, and a dessert), you can easily get the result to keep.
However, some cons have a similar diet: a greatly reduced intake of some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, fats, it is quite necessary for a fully functioning organism. The target, which may have such an effect on the skin, hair, can cause insomnia and fatigue. And another minus – overload, renal. For this reason, this organ has never before been observed functioning problems with you, so it's not worth it installation.
A classic menu-protein diets:
For breakfast, let's have a drink, black coffee or tea, eat a little exercise.
Lunch options:
- Boiled eggs, salad, boiled cabbage, tomato juice.
- Boiled or grilled fish, fresh vegetable salad.
- Apples, roasted, vegetable oil, and pumpkin.
- Hard cheese, boiled carrots, raw eggs.
- 200 g boiled beef or boiled chicken in half.
Dinner is resolved in the following products:
- Boiled or grilled fish.
- 200 g boiled beef, yogurt.
- 2 boiled eggs, beef, fresh cabbage salad.
- Fruit.
- Grated carrot, one cup oil, 2 eggs.
But let me remind you, once again, due to disability of trace elements and vitamins in the diet is not recommended to stick on a diet like two weeks, tops. He felt that the result-protein diets, and now fractional next regular nutrition.