The lack of bouts of hunger, clear mind and rapid weight loss are all benefits of a ketogenic diet. Find out what types of keto diets are and choose the one that is right for you!
The ketogenic diet is no longer a novelty in the world of diets and weight loss, but it continues to be the most controversial method. And all because his supporters are convinced: on fried chicken legs and juicy cutlets you can not only lose weight, but also never gain weight. Doctors warn: the keto diet is difficult, dangerous, not fully understood and is also fraught with many side effects.
The fat diet came to us from the world of medicine, where it has been used for a very long time to relieve epileptic seizures in children. This is one of the varieties of low carb diets. The main difference between the ketogenic system and the usual ones, however, is that fat is the main nutrient in her diet.
How it works
With a normal proper diet, the most favorable ratio of nutrients (BZhU) is 1: 1: 4, ie carbohydrates are the basis of the diet. They are the main source of energy (calories) and are needed by the nervous system as a source of glucose. However, numerous studies confirm that this is not entirely true. Swedish scientists have shown that as a result of the increase in fat and protein, as well as the rejection of saccharides after depletion of its own glycogen stores, the body switches to another "regime". Normal metabolism is restored and glucids are no longer the main source of energy. The liver produces a special form of acetone called ketones (ketone bodies), which move through the bloodstream and affect the oxidation of fatty acids. As a result, our body goes into a state of ketosis and extracts energy not from carbohydrate chains, but from the products of fat processing, first depleting subcutaneous fat, and then using fat from food. Scientists' experiments have confirmed that ketones are a more physiological fuel for the brain, while sugars, on the other hand, are cheap and fast energy, which in the future is the cause of degenerative brain diseases.
After huge research results, professional athletes and bodybuilders became interested in this method. Ket food began to gain popularity and turned from a diet into a lifestyle promising rapid weight loss, strengthening and increasing muscle mass, the absence of constant hunger and, as a result, a different life.
However, despite its effectiveness, doctors warn: the ketogenic diet is associated with the calculation of dietary norms, so it is prescribed and monitored by a nutritionist. It is important to start, maintain and control ketosis properly. Creating a menu program itself means putting your health at great risk!Basic views
Professional athletes distinguish three main types of ketogenic diets:
Standard (SKD - standard ketogenic diet)

This is a basic linear program with moderate to high protein intake, high fat intake and low saccharide intake. It is characterized by a constant supply of ketogenic nutrients without periods of glucid replenishment. SKD is great for people with low activity (sedentary lifestyle, irregular exercise).
How to calculate the nutritional balance? Take, for example, the standard ketogenic diet of a 75-pound person with an exercise intensity of 2-3 times a week.
- First, let's calculate the daily calorie intake (KRday). For our example, this will be about 2000 kcal / day.
- The required number of proteins (Bsut) is 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight, ie for our example Bsut = 2 * 75 = 150 grams / day.
- The daily amount of carbohydrates (Usut) is 0, 2-0, 4 grams. per 1 kg of weight, ie 15-30 grams / day (we will take the norm of 30 grams for calculations).
- Let's calculate how many calories in the daily diet come from proteins and glycides. It is known that each of these nutrients contains 4 calories per gram. Therefore, in our calculation this value is (150 + 30) * 4 = 720 kcal.
- As you can see, for our example, a person should get 1280 kcal (2000-720) of fat. And since 1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, then the daily amount of fat (F / day) = 1280/9 = 142 grams.
As a result of the calculations, we found that for this situation, the diet should consist of 150 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbohydrates and 142 grams of fat, evenly distributed between meals.
Cyclic (CKD - cyclic ketogenic diet)
Option for experienced bodybuilders who feel good in their body and understand proper nutrition, calories and dietary rules. CKD is suitable for athletes who train daily and report a decrease in training efficiency against the background of the basic and target systems. The purpose of this method is to determine the correct period between the days of loading carbohydrates (re-feeding) and to calculate the amount of glucid, which will allow you to work on your body with maximum intensity.

Bodybuilders recommend gradually introducing referees, starting with one per week, and monitoring your well-being by adjusting the time interval between loads according to individual needs. Write down how many carbs you consumed per day and how you feel in general.
The main rule of the day of charging: decrease the W / day indicator, while B / day must remain unchanged (or increased). U / day depends on individual insulin sensitivity and is 2-3 g per 1 kg with low, 4-5 g per 1 kg with normal and 6-7 g per 1 kg with high sensitivity.
Let's calculate the caloric intake of a CDC with normal insulin sensitivity for our example.
- B / day = 2 * 75 = 150 grams / day.
- Y / day = 450 to 525 grams / day.
- The daily content of calories in proteins and sugars on the day of the carbohydrate load is (150 + 450) * 4 = 2400 kcal.
- As in the previous calculation, we calculate the remaining calories, divide the resulting number by 9 and get how many grams of fat should be included in the diet on carbohydrate days.
Thus, the calculations showed that in 6 days of CKD the menu will be built as in CKD, and a daily (carbohydrate) calorie content will be 2500 kcal (150 g protein, 300 g carbohydrates and 78 g fat)
TKD-targeted ketogenic diet
Suitable for long-term athletes whose performance drops dramatically after a long period without glycides and who can benefit from low carbohydrate intake. It is characterized by a short-term "injection" of saccharides during the so-called "training window" (ie before and after training), which will increase endurance, but will not suppress the process of ketosis. The goal of targeted ketogenic nutrition is to provide short-term increases in productivity and endurance. In the absence of training, SKD indicators are taken.
Let's calculate Y / day before and after training for our example:

- B / day = 2 * 75 = 150 grams / day. The increase in Y / day depends on insulin resistance and is +0. 5 g per 1 kg with low sensitivity, +0. 75 g per 1 kg with normal and +1 g per 1 kg weight with high sensitivity. It is recommended to divide these additional carbohydrates into two equal parts and to eat before and after training.
- As in previous calculations, we subtract the daily calories of protein and carbohydrates from the total calories in the diet. The resulting delta will be the calories due to fat.
Attention!This calculation is not a rule, just an example. The calculation of the main menu indicators should be based on individual characteristics, and the fine-tuning of the delivery of targeted and cyclic ketogenic diets is done exclusively through trial and error based on well-being, performance indicators, endurance, intensity and duration of the training period. If you are not confident in your abilities and experience, we recommend that you contact a nutritionist.
To achieve the desired weight loss results, follow these guidelines:
- Start fasting for one day. Only water is allowed.
- The diet should include: "correct" fats - 60%, protein - 30%, carbohydrates at least 10% of daily calorie intake.
- Mandatory intake of vitamins and minerals (calcium, vitamin D, folic acid).
- Drink as much as you can.
- Eat foods from the allowed list.
Authorized and prohibited products
The onset and maintenance of ketosis is facilitated by:
- fermented milk products high in fat (including cottage cheese);
- lard, fatty meats, poultry with skin;
- sausages (ham, balyk, boiled pork);
- fish (preferably oily) and seafood;
- hard cheeses (try to choose cheeses with a minimum amount of carbohydrates);
- avocado;
- oils (oil, unrefined vegetable oils, coconut);
- mushrooms;
- high-fiber vegetables;
- bananas;
- nuts, walnut oils;
- pumpkin seeds;
- leaf salads.
Minimum allowed:
- dark, bitter chocolate with maximum cocoa content and minimum sugar;
- raw roots, vegetables, fruits that have not undergone heat treatment;
- tea, coffee.
Prohibited Products:
- carbonated beverages;
- sugar, honey;
- baked goods, bread;
- cereals;
- dried fruits; skimmed milk, kefir, yoghurt;
- margarine, spreads;
- pasta;
- starchy vegetables.

When compiling a weekly menu for a ketogenic diet, nutritionists recommend that we do not focus on the weight of the food, but make a menu based on its volume and calculate the ratio of BJU.
Approximate ketogenic menu for one week, taking into account the recommendations.
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs of 2 eggs; hard cheese; bacon; Cup of coffee.
- Lunch: vegetable salad (leaf "Iceberg" + cucumber + celery), dressed with mayonnaise; fried chicken with skin; hard cheese.
- Dinner: steak; cauliflower stewed with mushrooms; coffee with cream.
- Breakfast: cutlet; hard cheese; a glass of Americano with milk.
- Lunch: salmon steak with cream sauce; steamed broccoli; lettuce salad with cheese and eggs, dressed with mayonnaise.
- Dinner: pork chop; stewed cabbage; vegetable salad; tea.
- Breakfast: 6-egg omelette with grated yellow cheese (can be replaced with a protein shake); soy milk - 0, 5 l.
- Lunch: smoked breasts; fried zucchini with cheese.
- Dinner: red fish with cream sauce; vegetable salad with mayonnaise; yoghurt.
- Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs - 4-5 pieces; each sauce - 2-3 tablespoons; vegetable salad with cheese.
- Lunch: mushrooms stewed in sour cream; spinach salad; Fried fish.
- Dinner: meat steak; toast with honey; milk.
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs (3-4 eggs); protein shake; hard cheese.
- Lunch: scrambled eggs; fried chicken breasts; hard cheese.
- Dinner: salmon; unroasted almonds; salad.
- Appetizer: salmon; grapefruit; salad.
- Lunch: fish; vegetable stew; mixture of nuts.
- Dinner: vegetable salad; several sausages; cheese.
- Breakfast: eggs in a bag; cheese; vegetable salad.
- Lunch: turkey; tomato salad with mayonnaise; cheese.
- Dinner: cottage cheese; grapefruit.
Remember to follow your drinking regimen. Drink at least 1. 5 liters of water throughout the day.
Contraindications and side effects
For a few days after starting a ketogenic diet, you may feel weak, lethargic, and depressed. Such a diet is not natural and therefore particularly dangerous for the growing organism. For adolescents, this food is strictly contraindicated. The following side effects may occur with a prolonged or incorrect ketogenic diet:
- urolithiasis;
- elevated levels of bad cholesterol in the blood;
- peristalsis disorder, functional state of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroesophageal reflux);
- dehydration (because carbohydrates remove excess water);
- slow growth (in adolescents) due to lack of protein;
- vitamin deficiency;
- lack of minerals and as a result remineralization of bones, osteoporosis;
- inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
- hormonal imbalance and menstrual failure;
- ketoacidosis.
Therefore, in order to avoid the development of pathological diseases and exacerbation of existing ones, the diet is controlled by a specialist. When losing weight, it is recommended to monitor the condition monthly, delivery of basic tests (blood, urine). The correction of the ketogenic diet or its cancellation is performed by the doctor based on the results of the study.