The classic egg diet lasts 7 days. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the main product in the diet is chicken egg. It contains vitamin H, which is responsible for controlling lipid metabolism and stimulates the burning of fat deposits. The body with an egg diet cannot produce glucose, it takes it from fat reserves. In addition to eggs, the diet includes vegetables, fruits and meat. Therefore, during the diet, the body does not experience a deficiency of micro- and macronutrients.
The essence of the diet
The diet is aimed at reducing the amount of food consumed. With such a food system, it is allowed to eat only a few chicken eggs and vegetables in small quantities a day. You can have dinner and fruit breakfast.
The duration of the diet should not exceed 1 week. A person who loses weight should drink more than 2 liters of water a day. It is also allowed to use green and herbal tea, coffee, compotes, decoctions.
Consumption of salt and spices is not limited. If you get tired of eating eggs, you can replace them with lean meat, fish, cottage cheese.
The main prohibition of the diet is the consumption of sugar and flour.
The diet is a strict technique, but her diet is balanced, which contributes to the rapid elimination of extra pounds. Protein and carbohydrates are consumed separately in the diet.
Diet rules
To lose weight quickly without harming the body, you must adhere to the basic rules:
- The diet includes 3 meals.
- Breakfast is prohibited. To dull hunger, you need to increase your fiber intake.
- The dishes are eaten in the order indicated in the menu. Leftovers from breakfast should not be consumed for dinner and vice versa.
- Hard-boiled eggs are recommended. To diversify the diet, sometimes you can prepare them in different ways - soft-boiled, "in a bag".
- Sugar and flour products are taboo.
- It is forbidden to use vegetable and animal fats, seasoning salads of fresh vegetables and fruits with butter and creamy syrups.
- The portion size should be as usual. The main part are vegetables and herbs.
- It is allowed to eat vegetables both raw and stewed, cooked.
- Egg white can be replaced with chicken, beef, lean seafood - up to 250 g per day.
- Before eating, be sure to eat citrus fruits. This helps to reduce the volume of the stomach and speed up the work of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
During the diet, a lot of time should be spent on walks in the fresh air and exercise.
Shopping list
The following products are allowed to be consumed during the diet:
- fruits and berries (apricots, apples, pineapples, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kiwis, pears, pomelos, peaches, watermelons, melons);
- vegetables and greens (tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, onions, cucumbers, radishes, beans, green peas, lettuce);
- meat and poultry (rabbit, chicken, beef, turkey);
- low-fat dairy products;
- bran and bread;
- water, herbal teas and decoctions.
Partially allowed:
- fish and seafood (mussels, shrimp, oysters, squid);
- dietary toasts and biscuits;
- lemon juice;
- ginger;
- chicory drink and coffee without sugar.
- meat and poultry (lamb, pork, goose);
- high fat dairy products;
- sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce);
- greasy broths;
- pasta and various cereals;
- potatoes;
- fruits and berries (persimmon, bananas, cherries, mangoes, grapes, dates, figs, avocados);
- fruit and vegetable juices;
- bakery;
- sugar and pastries (candy, chocolate, honey);
- alcohol.
Weight loss mechanism
Chicken egg is a high-calorie food that contains:
- 100 g - 160 kcal;
- 100 g of yolk - 352 kcal;
- 100 g of protein - 44 kcal.
How weight loss happens:
- Other products that can be consumed with eggs are low in calories, as a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates must be consumed.
- It takes enough time to absorb protein, so the feeling of hunger does not occur for a long time.
- The normal functioning of the body is facilitated by vitamins and useful micro- and macroelements, which are contained in eggs.
- The diet stimulates the liver to produce ketones, which suppress hunger.
- Unsaturated acids effectively fight fat deposits.
- Protein requires a lot of energy to digest food, so a lot of calories are lost.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages and disadvantages of the diet are presented in the table:
Advantages | disadvantages |
Contraindications, side effects
Contraindications to the egg diet are:
- impaired renal function;
- hypersensitivity to egg products;
- elevated cholesterol levels;
- chronic liver disease;
- heart and blood vessel problems;
- pregnancy and lactation.
Before you start following an egg diet, you should consult your doctor, because due to lack of carbohydrates and excessive protein intake,Side Effects. They appear as:
- allergic reactions;
- high cholesterol levels;
- exacerbation of kidney and liver diseases;
- heart and blood vessel failure.
To minimize the negative effects, if necessary, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids a day. It is recommended to drink alkaline mineral water, which aims to neutralize the action of acids found in fruits. Sometimes quail eggs can be eaten instead of chicken eggs. It is recommended to use vitamins and supplements - on the advice of a doctor.
Menu for 7 days
Detailed diet menu for seven days:
Days | I eat | Dishes |
Monday | Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Tuesday | Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Wednesday | Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Thursday | Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner | 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese | |
Friday | Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Saturday | Breakfast |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Sunday | Breakfast |
Dinner | 170 g of cabbage salad | |
Dinner | 300 ml of milk |
Getting out of the diet
You need to gradually get out of the egg diet. In the first days of release it is recommended to consume dietary products:
- citrus fruits;
- vegetables;
- green;
- eggs;
- cottage cheese.
Then the usual foods should be introduced into the daily diet:
- cereals;
- meat;
- vegetable and animal fats;
- high-calorie fruits.
Types of techniques
There are 4 types of egg diet:
- egg and grapefruit;
- egg and orange;
- Osama Hamdi;
- Magicians.
Option | Ancillary product | Weight loss period (days) | Result (kg) |
Classic | Eggs (up to 3 per day) | 7 | -5 |
Egg and grapefruit | Grapefruit (up to 1 kg per day) | 7 | -5 |
Egg-orange | Orange (up to 1 kg per day) | 4 | -2 |
Osama Hamdi's diet | Vegetables, cottage cheese, fruits, water | thirty | -Thirty |
Magicians | Citrus fruit | thirty | -7 |
Egg and grapefruit
The diet consists of chicken eggs and grapefruit. Grapefruit contains antioxidants that help lower blood cholesterol levels, and the vitamin C contained in the fruit is aimed at strengthening the immune system.
Chicken eggs are rich in valuable polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B6, B12, E, D, thiamine, biotin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. All these macro- and microelements contribute to weight loss, strengthen immunity, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. In addition, eggs are digested slowly in the stomach, which allows you not to feel hungry for a long time.
Eggs and grapefruit interact perfectly with each other and speed up metabolic processes. Coenzyme R, which is part of the yolk, helps restore muscle tone and has a positive effect on nails, hair and skin.
The menu consists of foods such as chicken eggs and oranges. The essence of the 4-day diet is to limit the intake of carbohydrates and fats. Most of the diet of the egg-orange technique is fiber and protein.
One egg contains 14% of daily protein needs. This protein is absorbed by the body almost completely.
The composition of oranges contains many vitamins (especially C) and micro- and macronutrients necessary for the body. They are low in calories and, like chicken eggs, are easily absorbed by the body and can lower bad cholesterol.
Osama Hamdi's diet
A diet with such a diet consists of a large amount of protein, while the menu has very few carbohydrates. The essence of this technique is that under the influence of proteins and chemical reactions in the human body, subcutaneous fat is broken down and converted into energy. Muscle mass volume also increases.
You need to stick to the diet for 4 weeks.
Maggie is on a protein diet. The menu of this technique is quite varied and consists mainly of foods that contain protein. It also includes cooked vegetables, cheese and cottage cheese, citrus fruits. All of these foods are high in fiber and flavonoids, which burn fat, remove toxins and toxins.
In the egg diet, common and popular cooking recipes are:
- omelet in the oven;
- fried eggs in pepper;
- chicken breasts roasted with vegetables;
- classic protein omelet;
- protein omelet with vegetables and cheese.
Omelet in the oven

- eggs - 9 pcs. ;
- milk - 3, 5 tbsp.
- Beat the eggs and milk in a bowl until smooth.
- The resulting mass is poured into a round shape and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
Serve the dish for breakfast. Use vegetables for decoration.
Fried eggs in pepper

- chicken eggs - 3 pcs. ;
- sweet pepper - 1 pc. ;
- green to taste.
- Wash the pepper, remove the seeds and partitions, cut into rings 1. 5 cm thick.
- Heat a frying pan with a non-stick coating on the stove, put 3 pepper rings in it.
- Beat 1 egg in each ring.
- Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
- Garnish with herbs before serving.
Roast chicken breast with vegetables

- chicken breasts - 2 pcs. ;
- broccoli - 400 g;
- zucchini - 1 pc. ;
- peppers - 2 pcs. ;
- fresh herbs.
Cooking steps:
- Wash the vegetables and cut them into rings. Divide the broccoli into inflorescences.
- Evaporate the cabbage with boiling water so that it becomes soft and does not lose its color.
- Put the broccoli in a colander and wait for the excess water to drain.
- Wash the chicken breasts under running water.
- Place all the ingredients in the bowl in a cast iron or ceramic bowl. Place the meat last so that it completely overlaps the vegetables. Cooking chicken takes more time than vegetables. In case the breasts do not completely overlap the vegetables, they should be weaned.
- Cover the form on top with baking foil. This will give the meat juiciness and a dry, toasted crust.
- Bake the vegetables for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. In case the oven is equipped with additional functions, you can set the "Grill" or "Hot Heating" mode. When the fillet is cooked, it will become soft and juicy.
- Use finely chopped vegetables for decoration.
Protein omelet

- milk - 30 ml;
- oil - 20 g;
- proteins - 5 pcs. ;
- salt, spices;
- green.
Cooking method:
- Beat the egg whites until a firm foam forms. Then evenly pour milk in several portions, add salt and spices.
- Finely chop the dill and combine it with the omelette dough. Stir well.
- Melt the butter in a pan and pour the protein mixture.
- Fry the omelette for six minutes, three on each side. It is better to cover the pan with a lid so that the squirrels are more fluffy. The omelette is ready when baked.
- You can serve the dish with sour cream or cream sauce.
Protein omelet with vegetables and cheese

- chicken eggs - 4 pcs. ;
- oil - 1 teaspoon;
- milk - 30 ml;
- flour - 1 tbsp. l . ;
- cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
- sweet pepper - 1 pc. ;
- lettuce leaves;
- green;
- salt and ground pepper;
- hard cheese - 50 g
- Beat the egg whites with a mixer or fork. When the resulting mass increases in volume and becomes thick, add a small amount of milk, flour, salt and spices to it.
- Place the protein dough on a baking sheet, pre-cover it with parchment paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
- Wash the vegetables and remove the seeds from the peppers. Cut the cherry tomatoes in halves and the peppers into strips.
- Finely chop the herbs.
- When the omelette is baked, take it out and put the vegetables inside. Make an omelet sandwich.
- Sprinkle the grated cheese on the surface of the omelette and place it in the oven for 5 minutes until the cheese melts.
- Cut the finished omelette into several pieces and serve with garnished herbs and lettuce.