More and more often on the streets of cities we see women with very round shapes. If earlier their age was estimated at 45+, now more and more young girls under the age of 30 are also starting to suffer from the problem of being overweight. Poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle leave their mark on our appearance, sometimes stronger than genetics.
Surprisingly, often many young women do not even think seriously about health and lose weight, they think that this is too difficult or, conversely, too easy process: you just have to want - and fat will disappear by itself. But this is not the case at all. And the earlier we start controlling our weight, the easier it is for us to maintain it at a normal level.
How to motivate yourself to lose weight, what goals to set, where to start so as not to break and bring the issue to an end? After all, it is important not only to lose weight, but also to consolidate low weight for a long time to make it the norm.
How not to start losing weight
Let's say you're serious about losing weight. They immediately think of sports and diets. And then comes that cherished Monday, when you start a new life, enroll in the gym, give up rolls, cakes, eat only vegetables and cereals without salt, torment yourself with daily exercise.
And then a few weeks pass, a holiday happens - and you fall apart. In the end, 1 piece of cake, 1 missed sports day will not affect anything. "I'll be fine later, " you think, and take the second jam.

After such disturbances, the next time in the gym it is harder to train, I really want to feel sorry for myself, to reduce the load. Then you miss a few more workouts, one weekend you abandon them altogether in favor of barbecues with friends in nature. Gradually, your enthusiasm disappears, sports do not bring joy, it becomes a burdensome activity, it is increasingly difficult to follow a diet, and the lost weight in the first weeks returns.
This is a scenario for the weakest weight loss: start exercising and lose weight intensively with great enthusiasm and then relax. Then few can start over.
To prevent this, you need to lose weight gradually. It is forbidden to limit yourself to food until you lose consciousness, as well as to train with the last strength. And the biggest key to success is the right motivation! The bet should be placed not so much on the refusal to eat, but on sports and regular training.
Motivation is the most important key to weight loss success
Now let's think about where the right weight loss process begins, which can easily become your habit, lifestyle and will not require extreme effort or excessive restrictions.
How to motivate yourself to lose weight? There are a few simple guidelines for this:
- Remember the reason that gave you the idea of being overweight. For example, an ugly bulging belly in your favorite dress, failed photos, a feeling of great inner discomfort against the background of weak friends. An important stimulus can be the desire to please the opposite sex. Or maybe you're looking forward to the start of the summer season and afraid to undress on the beach?
- Once you realize the most important reasons to want to lose weight, you will feel great discomfort from these extra pounds. Decide for yourself that you are starting to lose weight right now, forget about the mystical "next Monday"!
- Change your diet on this day, sports should become a daily mandatory activity! Find out about the nearest fitness centers near your home, buy a subscription to one of them.
- Discard all foods that seem useless, harmful, unhealthy from the refrigerator without regret. Be guided only by your own logic. In the future, as you expand your knowledge in the field of proper nutrition, the habit of buying only healthy foods will become unconditional. After a few months of such a life it will be difficult to imagine how it was possible to eat what is now on the shelves of the refrigerator!
- Print your ugliest photo, attach it to a photo of the person with the figure of your dreams. When there is an irresistible desire to eat something very high in calories, to eat at night, see these photos.
- Repeat to yourself: a delicious cake stays in your mouth for just a few minutes and on your stomach for a few weeks. Remember that 100 grams of sweets are a minimum of 30 minutes of intense sports activity!
- Make sports an integral part of your life. In the beginning you will be forced to go to the gym by force. But if you do not give up, you will overcome yourself, in a month or two it will be difficult to imagine your life without training!
- Start shopping for smaller, more beautiful clothes. Entering it is a great incentive!
- Reconcile with your conscience. Do not test your willpower. If you just want something sweet or unhealthy, eat it. Only such "weaknesses" should occur infrequently, with the exception, for example, of being rewarded for a longer exercise.
- Avoid strict diets. The basic rule to follow every day: "The number of calories consumed with food should be less than the number spent in the gym. "
Sport is the most important factor for successful weight loss

For people with a good metabolism, moderately active lifestyle, sports are not as important as for those who are prone to overweight.
Normal daily activity for weak people is enough to restore energy balance. But if you are already overweight, then sports should become a regular and mandatory activity, such as brushing your teeth.
If you are new to the field of sports, then it is best to train with a coach for the first few months. He will tell you how to properly organize your day, you will record the right physical activity, diet, will teach you how to safely use exercise equipment.
When you start exercising on your own, remember that each workout should start with a 10-minute warm-up of all muscles and end with tightening and stretching.
Strength training is desirable to alternate with aerobic exercise to give different muscle groups 1-2 days rest after strength training.
The most effective, energy-intensive exercises are considered to be interval training, crossfit, complex sports activities, during which all muscle groups participate.
Every time sports start to irritate you, when you get tired of training, think about your favorite dessert. This is one of the options for good intrinsic motivation. If you are active in sports, burn 600-900 kcal per workout, then you can afford 50-100 grams of cookies or dark chocolate. After all, the calorie content of such cakes is 2-3 times lower than your energy expenditure.
Proper diet during weight loss, active sports can look like this:
- In the morning - carbohydrate, high-calorie food. Prefer slow carbs.
- Lunch: fruits, sweets, proteins.
- Lunch: protein and low fat.
- Before sports training - fast carbohydrates + quality proteins.
- After sports - protein food. Eliminate fats, fast carbs.
You should eat 4-5 times a day, give up snacks between meals, do not forget to eat before exercise.
Final recommendations
To improve your motivation to lose weight, the most important thing is to see the first results. They usually appear only 1, 5-2 months after the change of the usual rhythm of life and sport becomes an integral part of it.
With some dietary restrictions, 3-4 weeks of training in the beginning, there will be no noticeable improvement. This period will be the most difficult. In the end, I had to give up so many things, it's so hard to do, and the result is zero. But if you endure the first weeks, from the second month the weight will begin to melt. Believe me, this will be the best motivation to continue leading this lifestyle!
Try to surround yourself with like-minded people, strong people who pursue the same goals. Together it is much easier to stick to the right diet, to observe the training process.
Remember that a positive attitude, strong desire, sports and maintaining a negative calorie balance are actually all that is needed to successfully deal with the problem of overweight!