We are interested in slimming often with questions. I don't care about women in this theme continuation: pregnancy and childbirth the woman's body that impressed, maintaining a healthy weight becomes more difficult. It appears you are trying to extra weight, and particularly after the winter holiday and "increase". Here's the account "weighs wanted struggling with" roads "more efficient": women are usually "miracle", or, and sweating profusely "through gritted teeth" you busy for hours in the gym. Less thinking and or ever I was aware, that normal water is not only a great way to maintain a healthy weight, many throughout serious illness or convalescence, facilitating and providing medicine completely.
Why is it so simple?

Then bright – easy to remember the laws of nature: don't be "civilized" people, we forgot them cleaning. The water of life and without water life is not possible, but we ignore this law of conversion, your body is currently in "war": the cells you have literally struggle every day precious moisture, but it's still not enough, and it's billions, dehydration.
Disorders of lipid metabolism, including the body and any malfunction 99% shortage occur the water. The human body is made up of water 2/3 the maximum, and we are trying to lose weight, "get away from here and using water," diuretic diet product by using traditional and always: ultimately, the pharmacy, teas and other drugs faster. Such an approach not only shape the booty – water "sounds", and fat remains, but is undermining the health and: "coming to his senses," after the diet, the cells and begins the future of stock water, hard work, kidneys and other internal organs.
How to lose water weight?
Before anything else you need to learn every time you drink the water like you want "something to eat", and especially to limit yourself feeding is required.
Most people barely distinguishable hunger and thirst: appetite necessary liquid and played us a brain, but then a cup of water is often "silenced". If after 20-30 minutes, still if you want to eat eat; however, after receiving it, eat one portion at least a portion of a body of liquid in the path – this is the attenuation of the startup process. If you want to wait and if time, drink water, appetite begins to show self-less. Thin figure will become: generally, overweight people in the face of problems, the unused pure water to drink.
Every time a cell, a small water decreases, metabolic rate, body processes; oil, divided fat deposits slowly. Speed up fat burning, begins to flow a sufficient amount of time. First urination increases rapidly, however, in a few days, everything is more or less normal, and the weight is go slowly. But, if not, limit salt, diet, re-balance is not possible: linger tissues accumulate in the water, any lump – weight loss doesn't have to talk about here.
Designed with Slimming water, diet water and some even a special-priced, safe and effective, to protect those who have become very popular among the figure-shaped.
Water diet
The different options to these diets; grant, softer. Breakfast famous diet, oily, fried and sugary dishes, fine salt; drinking unsweetened tea, coffee, sugar, a small amount of (1-1/2 tsp).
Drink lots of water to achieve at certain times to better effect. A full glass of clean, warm water 30 minutes before meals with a glass – before and after 2 hours. I don't need to drink during the meal. The same in the morning, once awake, very desirable to drink 2 cups of water (at night the body loses moisture), and moderately hot (with lemon juice). Short more comfortable to control if you can start a diet, how to prepare the body for providing option get rid of 10-18 kg would react to a more serious weight loss.

Here's a sample menu 3-x ideal water diet.
1. day diet hydrated
- Breakfast: boiled eggs, cheese, rye bread (2 thin slices).
- Lunch: a pear, 2 fresh plum.
- Lunch: salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, soft cheese, greens), boiled chicken (breast), one slice of bread (whole wheat or rye bread along with diet, dried yogurt).
- 2 peaches.
- Dinner: boiled vegetables (without potatoes), a slice of boiled beef skim.
- 2. dinner (21.00 approximately): 150 g low-fat cheese, a small amount of fresh fruit and yoghurt.
2. day diet hydrated
- Morning: soft fat cheese (add 1 teaspoon of honey or jam), herbal tea and two slices of bread.
- Lunch: 2 nectar (peach).
- Lunch: salad of any raw vegetables, fresh greens, a slice of low-fat boiled fish, bread.
- Dec meal: unsweetened apple.
- Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad of fresh cabbage, tomato, a slice of bread and cheese.
- 21.00: a small piece of boiled chicken, bread and tomatoes.
3. day diet hydrated
- Breakfast: fresh lettuce, boiled chicken, bread, tea Yesil.
- Lunch: 2 plums.
- Lunch: vegetable soup, a slice of potato, lean beef, bread.
- Dec meal: 2 pears.
- Dinner: steam fish, steam cutlets (raw) vegetables, bread; 21.00: 1 day.
Every day, drink water, and charts, and another cup after each meal and 1 teaspoon of honey a night.
Evaluation of a durable diet is not difficult. Weight is reduced only 1.5-2 kg, but you begin to develop feel.
The general health depends on water, directly as noted above. So, patients, gastroenterologists are often similar for a glass of water 30 minutes before meals helps the stomach to produce the juice for the digestion of normal. Who never forgets heartburn and belching, gastritis and other digestive system diseases and normal weight (or close to it). Clean water can be not only recovers, but also kidney and urinary system (no inflammation everything's washed with water), and the joints and muscles. Because when, lack of water, and distributes it to the body joint is exactly him sparingly.
How to properly drink water slimming
Successful weight loss, it's not worth it to forget again in the water. How to (2 days l – okay, but 1.5 L – mandatory), but slowly, small sips.
Not worth drinking more than one cup for a time (exception – one serving in the morning water).
Try more soup, less salt and put them, more often eat fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, salads, vegetable dishes.

Wherever you go, take it, take it, a small bottle of water, placed it perfect in your purse, and a few sips per day at every opportunity. At work to keep the water close to sports activities such as: an active job spent in the water body very quickly.
Remember, coffee and black tea, such as any alcohol, promotes rapid dehydration, and don't abuse them. Alcohol is especially dangerous; for this reason, then, useful for holidays or a day of water fasting.