How to lose weight male

It's no secret how critical men are pretty much tolerant of a woman about herself, and go to the gym 1-2 cm in waist volume growth is conducive for a woman, a man, own "beer" belly that it detects as the norm (or even, I believe, to them that adds robustness).

How it should be, ideal weight for men?

how to lose weight male

Easy to understand, ideal weight, body mass index calculate.

Separated by a character of equal weight growth kg a square YOU away. BMI values between 19 and 25 ratio. If BI 19 in the following, this is why you get anxious because a place has a lack of body mass index. Me if above 25 if you have excess weight, not strength, and no excuse of age, and acquitted. UN to begin with the same values 30, to talk about obesity.

For example, the ideal weight for men growth should be 180 cm, 81 kg 61,5 within limits.

How to lose weight male

So, we have found, really, if you have excess weight. How to lose weight for a man?

Firstly, the horse has almost everything come one after another. For example, it's not worth it to run it should begin hours, every day, I think their joint – a serious burden for them to lose weight. Starting slowly the need to enter a load of sports, aerobics, jogging, like cycling. To begin with, at least, lifts me pleasure and walking and walking. Also a type of weight training exercise to your program – they will speed up your metabolism and build Nov. The same incentive, such as a high metabolism for weight loss. A man to lose weight so along a balanced exercise.

Secondly, take your time. Very interested, how to lose weight quickly will not be a concern for a man runs about in the process of losing weight faster, stronger stress and a higher probability of a body, the rhythm of a life that will be familiar this lost weight back immediately. Therefore, ask your question again: "lose weight fast male" and "men how to lose weight forever". However, if for some reason this period is important for you (for example, for a beach party together, and do you care about what kind of impression it will produce on), the suggestions are pretty standard: lose weight fast limit the intake of excess calories need a man to 3-5 days, drink, yoghurt and plenty of water, meat, grain, and salt give up – the extra water from the body out, clean, gut and reduced the volume. However, long-acting slimming when I need to without damaging your health at the most you will lose 1-1,5 kg a week for more significant weight loss already going to be harmful for you.

To lose weight usually, males are starting to use dramatic methods – for example, they starve. But remember, if you don't, your body is the food – it "goes to sleep", to a large extent by reducing the entire process of your metabolism slowing down it starts again at the first opportunity and accumulated fat mass. Men who want to lose weight or fret yourself blocking your physical exercise starts, by the way, such a burden rather extreme heart, arteries, joints and many other organs and body systems.

You need to create weight for male is 20% calorie deficit every day labor without this permission, it does not harm their health for a few extra pounds and get rid of this. Therefore a man in the house to help to lose weight calculator (calorie counting) and a little prudence and patience. A small man with reasonable physical activity a calorie deficit to help you lose weight without stress and drastic changes, both without harm to your health.

Norm of calories for men

slimming diet

Daily intake of calories for men is calculated using the following equation:

10 x weight kg + 6.25 x Height in cm – 5 x age in years + 5

This, basal metabolism, maintenance of Living essential for the body so those calories. In fact now connected, how much physical exertion, numbers, the multiplication required for basal metabolism, physical activity coefficient:

1.2 –weak physical activity, sedentary work;

At 1.375 –moderate physical activity, exercise 1-3 times per week;

1.4625 –average physical activity, exercise 3-5 times per week;

1.550 –intense workouts 5 times per week, physical work;

1.6375 –exercise every day, high physical activity;

1.725 –intense exercise daily or twice a day;

1.9 –day intense exercise or exercise twice a day, at heavy physical work, competitions, etc.

Let's calories, growth 180 cm, Weight 90 kg, 30 years for men.

10 x 90+180-5 x 6.25 x 30+5=1880 King – this is a big change. Suppose, a programmer and a male employee of ours very low physical activity. 1880 x 1.2=2256 King. Now consider: Man weight deficit must construct our sample by 20% of the calories. So slimming daily intake of calories should be 1804,8 King.

How to lose weight at home Male

Lose weight at home to help a man and his girlfriend or his friend that in time will be forbidden to take a sandwich and serving to control the size. But seriously, a home is not difficult at all a man to actually lose weight. DISCLAIMER We call calories. Now some diet.

Diet have to eliminate the man that loves you so much. The Forbidden fall the following products:

  • white bread;
  • - fat meat;
  • meat semi-finished and finished products;
  • pepperoni and sausage;
  • an unlimited amount of potatoes and pasta;
  • soda;
  • desserts;
  • chips, popcorn and other fast food;
  • meatballs;
  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • oily, spicy, salty and smoked;
  • fried foods.


  • fruit, vegetables, and berries;
  • lean meat, chicken and fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • cereals and grains (and white rice this monkey);
  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • nuts, dried fruit;
  • milk and milk products, low in fat;
  • boiled, fried, cooked meals and grilled dishes;
  • low-fat meat juices, herbal teas and unsweetened tea.
slimming for men

Losing weight, and actually always definitely drink enough water. A small amount of water 2 liters per day for an adult human. For water from all necessary internal processes, the same, time, weight, not to engender the need for oil decomposition products accumulated in the body need water for that.

Remember, moderate physical exercise, a balanced workout 2-3 times per week and body pump a relief to get rid of extra weight you are Nov.

Separately to say about alcohol. Rare limited Men a pint watching a football game, isn't it? All alcohol but beer in calories too! Beer mug – minimum of 250 King. And salty – fatty, fried, salty, carb... in general, a soulful evening of good company without being aware you consume 5000 man a king. Talk about value, where the calories will go.