How to lose weight free

How to lose weight for free people long thought, based on the basic principles of very effective techniques have been invented to reduce the weight. Today, you-know-based program to create various activities that are required for the calculation of the product of energy and calories consumed. Anything will be a nice bonus, on the contrary, purchasing simulators, fat burners, etc. this foundation for the future program that does not require any financial cost.

I believe calories

is how you lose weight

As it reads, slimming the basic rule: "the more calories than you burn, the more body takes them". Forget about the fact that a thing is all moot if you weight loss program. To remove oil a weight (about 450 g), you have to burn 3500 calories beyond spent during activities of daily living. Definitely not a day for them to get rid of you, no harm, but slowly.

Free slimming cons

Given below is the step-by-step instructions for all the calculations:

  1. The need for calculating the basic metabolic rate. This minimum amount of calories required for digestion, respiration, etc. – that is, to run the vital systems of the body. Key to use a calculator for calculations. But, remember, cannot be accepted of him, for sure 100%.
  2. Try it for a week and to keep a record for each activity what did. Activity, physical and mental, sports, hiking, any business – all you have to save. So you will get an idea of your daily calories burned. 7 for calculating an average value of the results remains floor every day and divide them. The article "calories and activities" could be used for calculations.
  3. What you need to follow with calories food. All week keep monitoring their diet, and all without exception save. As in the past, in a paragraph, the match results for each day, define, and then an average result. A special table for you to learn the different products calories.
  4. Now remains, number of floors, the level of basic metabolism calculated with the number of calories in the second paragraph. The number of calories consumed s average the values obtained in the wash now. 3). If a person is the more he eats, the more activities that require basic your metabolic rate, you have a chance, and then lose weight.

As an example, to lose weight free — calculate your daily calorie consumption

Anna calculates basic metabolic rate is equal to 1400 calories. In this case, provided that it manages to burn 900 calories, regular physical exercise activities during walking and household chores. To register, current weight, o-2300 calories. Journal of accounting but also showed how many calories, food, 2550 calories every day, Anna gets. If all goes well, in 3 weeks, and then every pound that per pound. Like a criminal and extra 250 calories.

This example proves easy points as the extra weight without even knowing about it. However, just as easily and despite the weight, it's a long process. Slay continued the same diet and small changes you can start burning more calories more imported food. Gotta find a way to burning extra 200-500 calories daily. For example, instead of the cost is very high-calorie foods more useful and easy. And at the same time to give more time for Sport. Well, all good ideas.

How much time to you sports

Decrease, weight and physical activity is an important element. Of sports experts a minimum of 200 minutes a week, not Temperature 40 minutes a day, 5 days a week.