Diet, weight loss, delicious to eat and helpful

And if weight, then you need to proper diet, nutrition, slimming, body. In the first place to rule out the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates and only protein and vegetables, and you will see results over time. We we tried to prepare for you a proper diet a diet a week.

Force the human body to burn their fat deposits are quite complex. The process of burning fat and friends was able to assume a pleasing result was obtained. But for some reason over those extra pounds in quite a short time is back again. Unexpectedly? No, nutrition experts say, everything is natural. Slimming process fast, important, not only reduce weight at the same time to avoid possible return. This and that diet, slimming, representation, not just a sample menu, a specific time period (week, month) and contains a set of rules that must be followed. Them and get started.

Six important rule

slimming diet

The attenuation for the power mode it assumes only to observe some dietary restrictions, but other follow a number of rules. Is there any rule about?

1) a food that is not consumed immediately after I woke up. Much more useful physical exercise for 15-20 minutes after I wake. This rule, of course, not for the people there that is used to make an easy charge, every morning. The physical burden it is understood under slow walking, slow jogging, exercise gym and more. A way to overcome on foot may works, but to use such as a walk, physical education only, provided the first breakfast will be in the workplace.

Caution: following this point, be very careful because all you need to run, jump, or engaged in a physical activity that another minister.

2) The Breakfast should be feeder, but this does not mean what to eat need a lot. The thing is, physical activity in the morning after night and never per person "the hunger", which will try to recover the body oils. And if they actively with food in the future, the body is not only manage to save them, but at the same time increase.

Hint: probably if hunger is very strong, and why some discomfort. In this case, the compromise with the body, eating apples or any other fruit.

3) you need to eat small portions 4-5 times a day. Dietitians often say a rule about this, because the food should be missed to preserve the blood sugar at a normal level, glycogen stores, recovery, and vitamins and elements essential for the body. To achieve this goal required a lot of food. Anything else, diet, slimming should be different. So, for the body can cope with the task of not only your food a lot, but it does, and another when it converts the excess calories fat.

4) easier to control because it is difficult to preferably keep a diary yourself comfortable analysis, diet, healthy eating, weight loss, make the necessary changes and additions.

Reflected in my diary weeks Menu, Help, for example, to buy needed to make a Sunday. A food diary and eat a meal less important to control the number. Quite often, people wanting to lose weight, we do not think a full meal for snacks. But they don't know that snacks nutrition called Nutrition in motion while it is uncontrolled calorie intake. Experts here and the situation, a person eats, but put it on the table, food on the plate, and when the principle of motion: I ate a spoon of soup, a piece of sausage, a spoon salad. In this case, if it has become a habit for me to keep a diary, and such snacks is also included automatically. This, in turn, for me, really appreciated how much of food is eaten a day.

5) diet, nutrition should be developed given individual Slimming food consumption the norm. This special formula is quite simple and calculated. Nutrition experts believe that you should make Body Slimming by up to 40% more calories as a source of an individual's normal.

6) slimming Diet of the month (another period) must be balanced. Observe this rule, you assist Item No. 4 keeping a weight loss Journal that offers power. But to-day, and are not limited to. So, there, Account, power, utilities automatically count the lack of (or excess) vitamin items. They fit perfectly and to determine Day-to-day calorie consumption.

Weekly menu

Makeup correctly a weekly menu – it's not easy. The reason is quite there. First, differences in age, weight. Secondly, the calorie consumption in a day, nor is affected by various factors. Third, the process of losing weight because the person has special dietary preferences depends to a large extent, a psychological condition human. And if you always have hate oats, many pounds will go very quickly, as desired.

Like a week sample diet for weight loss.


First breakfast: salad, vegetables, wheat, water, tea (better to stop the choice Yesil).

Second breakfast: fruit (pear, banana), yogurt (a day or two).

Lunch: steak, chicken parmesan, salad dressings, vegetable (any), fish soup, dried fruit compote.

Dinner: vegetable salad (instead of casserole), bread, bran, tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal and yogurt without filling, apples, sour-sweet (instead of pear), natural coffee.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with fat free sour cream, broth, strawberries, for example, rosehip.

Lunch: soup, vegetable juice with the addition of any grain, brown (!) rice, baked fish, salad, fruit juice or stewed.

Dec meal: figs or dried apricots, yogurt without fillers.

Dinner: steak, vegetables, salad, tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal in milk or water, apples if you don't want a rare, natural coffee or tea (tea again and the best selection of Yesil).

slimming menu

Second breakfast: yogurt without filling, nuts (a little bit, because between them a useful product, but also and high-calorie).

Lunch: soup, beef broth, fresh cabbage, mashed potatoes, fish, meat, fruit juice.

Dec meal: salad, any fruit, crackers without additives.

Dinner: boiled vegetables, ham and tea.


First breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, candied fruit, toast, drinks, tea, natural fruit juice or coffee.

Second breakfast: an apple, a yogurt without fillers.

Lunch: wheat, water, chicken, ribs, soups, stewed.

Dec meal: some nuts and dried fruit, yogurt without fillers.

Dinner: salad, chicken fillet, tea.


First breakfast: rice milk (or should be) sweet, porridge, preferably, add dried fruits, drinks, tea or natural coffee.

Second breakfast: fruit – banana, kefir (a day or two) or yogurt without fillers.

Lunch: vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, goulash, vegetable salad, fruit juice or stewed.

Dec meal: low-fat cheese, toast, crackers, cocoa.

Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled fish, yogurt without fillers.


First breakfast: salad, vegetables, omelettes, toast (instead of grain bread), natural tea or coffee with milk.

Second breakfast: yogurt filling, without more than one public some marmalade or pineapple.

Lunch: chicken soup, vegetables, chicken breast, salad, dessert or fruit juice.

Dec meal: cottage cheese with fat free sour cream, dried fruit.

Dinner: grilled chicken breast, salad, fruit juice or tea.


Breakfast first: oatmeal, any sweet fruit), natural coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: biscuits, crackers without additives or toast, juice.

Lunch: Soup, buckwheat, cooked meat, vegetables, dessert, or fruit juice.

Dec meal: any fruit, yogurt without fill tea.

Dinner: salad, vegetables, brown rice, some boiled fish or meat, tea.

In custody

Sample diet for weight loss a week that it may appear that way. To use it a longer period of time (one month), it will be uncomfortable because of one of the principles, diet, slimming, i.e. it must be balanced. Lack in the body can lead to the formation of the same product use to a specific item.